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Our Battle with HSP

Our battle with HSP began in February of 2017.  We took our three children to their dentist appointments.  We noticed our daughter, Cooper (who was 5 at the time), was walking funny.  I asked Coop what was wrong and she said that her feet hurt.  My first thought was her new shoes were too tight.  We had just bought them a couple days prior to the dentist.  I really didn't give it a second thought.  She hobbled herself to the car and took her shoes off.  When we got home, I noticed they were quite swollen.  A side effect of new shoes being too tight, right? My husband suggested we ice them, because they were hurting her quite a bit.  We iced them and laid her in bed (by the time bedtime rolled around we had to carry her to her bed because her feet hurt too bad to walk).  By morning she was good as new.  We got her dressed and ready for school - but with her old shoes on.  I am lucky enough to teach at the same school my kid...

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